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beercan antenna instructable

This is an instructable for a 1/4 wavelength broadband dipole with sleeve balun for DVB-T reception originally found here.

What you need:
  • two empty  33cc beercans (or other cans that are not made of aluminium)
  • a piece of 75 Ohm coax cable
  • a coax plug

You will also need some sanding paper.

Drink the beer, clean and dry the cans (use a hairdryer to speed it up a bit)

step 2
Roughen the bottoms of the cans where you need to solder.

step 3
Make a hole in  the bottom of one of the cans.

step 4
Strip 1.5 cm from the cable, solder the screen to the can, this should be easy.

step 5
Solder the other can, this is the tricky part...

step 6
Mount the plug and test. The cans fit in a piece of drain pipe.

I copied this table for Belgium from wikipedia

ZenderKanaalFrequentiePolarisatieZendvermogen ERPhoogte zendmastOosterlengte WGS84Noorderbreedte WGS84
Sint-Pieters-Leeuw22482 MHzverticaal20 kW290 m4E13 2650N46 04
Veltem22482 MHzverticaal20 kW92 m4E37 1050N53 27
40626 MHz
43650 MHz
46674 MHz
Brussel22482 MHzverticaal10 kW172 m4E21 5050N51 11
Gent22482 MHzverticaal7 kW64 m3E43 4851N03 14
Egem22482 MHzverticaal20 kW290 m3E14 0851N01 18
40626 MHz
43650 MHz
46674 MHz
Genk25506 MHzhorizontaal20 kW200 m5E30 3150N56 45
Antwerpen25506 MHzverticaal10 kW85 m4E24 5651N13 12
Schoten25506 MHzverticaal20 kW165 m4E32 2451N17 33

Depending where you are the antenna must be put horizontal or vertical.
