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class A eq amp - part 3

Some progress.

I choose to use an output attenuator, the cable to my beolabs measures roughly 1NF cable capacitance and a quick calculation revealed that this should not pose a problem.

With the given values the steps measured: 0 dB, -10.4 dB, -20.15 dB, -30.6 dB, -40.8 dB, -53 dB
The idea is to calibrate the -10dB position for 90 dB sound level.

Although the circuit can easily be built on a piece of experimentors board I still choose to draw a circuit board. It is a very small board(45 x 45). The dimensions fit the cheapest category of seeedstudio pcb service.

I used the online gerberviewer of Paragon to generate the preview.

I also intended to make some form of softstart but it adds a lot of complexity and it would require a bigger circuit board.  I also like a mute function so it occurred to me that it can be kept simple by using a 3 position switch.

I did not yet fix values for the HI filter but I measured the performance of the LO filter.
Values are in dB.

@30Hz CH1 CH2
1 11,7 11,7
2 6,9 6,9
3 2,75 2,8
4 -0,7 -0,7
5 -4,6 -4,8
6 -7,2 -7,8
