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windows 8

I finally bought a new windows-8 laptop to replace my 9 year old XP machine. Nothing fancy, a core i5 64bit machine with 6Gig of memory. The old one is not broken but the poor machine had serious problems with my 24'' screen.

I'm not a big fan of this 'metro' - or whatever it is called - thing, I'm sure it is great for a tablet but to do something really productive, no thanks. So first thing I did was to install 'classic shell', this provides a classic start menu and the machine boots straight in the desktop.

After that everything went smooth and I must say there are a lot of improvements, even over win7 which I use at work. I really like the explorer ribbon (as much as I dislike it in office...). I also like the new dual screen options.

I expected a lot of problems with my 'old ' software but none of that happened. The only problem I had was with 7zip. I downloaded and installed the 32 bit version and I had some weird problems like a missing context menu. A quick google search revealed that I only had to install the 64bit version to solve this problem.

The XP image resizer power tool is long gone but there are some clones available. The one from sourceforge didn't seem to work (no context menu) but this one works flawlessly.

All in all I don't understand the resistance to win8 very well, I'm happy with it and so will no doubt millions of others.
